Unsupervised pre-training on millions of digital-born or scanned documents has shown promising advances in visual document understanding~(VDU). While various vision-language pre-training objectives are studied in existing solutions, the document textline, as an intrinsic granularity in VDU, has seldom been explored so far. A document textline usually contains words that are spatially and semantically correlated, which can be easily obtained from OCR engines. In this paper, we propose Wukong-Reader, trained with new pre-training objectives to leverage the structural knowledge nested in document textlines. We introduce textline-region contrastive learning to achieve fine-grained alignment between the visual regions and texts of document textlines. Furthermore, masked region modeling and textline-grid matching are also designed to enhance the visual and layout representations of textlines. Experiments show that our Wukong-Reader has superior performance on various VDU tasks such as information extraction. The fine-grained alignment over textlines also empowers Wukong-Reader with promising localization ability.
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The security of artificial intelligence (AI) is an important research area towards safe, reliable, and trustworthy AI systems. To accelerate the research on AI security, the Artificial Intelligence Security Competition (AISC) was organized by the Zhongguancun Laboratory, China Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Tsinghua University, and RealAI as part of the Zhongguancun International Frontier Technology Innovation Competition (https://www.zgc-aisc.com/en). The competition consists of three tracks, including Deepfake Security Competition, Autonomous Driving Security Competition, and Face Recognition Security Competition. This report will introduce the competition rules of these three tracks and the solutions of top-ranking teams in each track.
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Both goal-agnostic and goal-oriented tasks have practical value for robotic grasping: goal-agnostic tasks target all objects in the workspace, while goal-oriented tasks aim at grasping pre-assigned goal objects. However, most current grasping methods are only better at coping with one task. In this work, we propose a bifunctional push-grasping synergistic strategy for goal-agnostic and goal-oriented grasping tasks. Our method integrates pushing along with grasping to pick up all objects or pre-assigned goal objects with high action efficiency depending on the task requirement. We introduce a bifunctional network, which takes in visual observations and outputs dense pixel-wise maps of Q values for pushing and grasping primitive actions, to increase the available samples in the action space. Then we propose a hierarchical reinforcement learning framework to coordinate the two tasks by considering the goal-agnostic task as a combination of multiple goal-oriented tasks. To reduce the training difficulty of the hierarchical framework, we design a two-stage training method to train the two types of tasks separately. We perform pre-training of the model in simulation, and then transfer the learned model to the real world without any additional real-world fine-tuning. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms existing methods in task completion rate and grasp success rate with less motion number. Supplementary material is available at https: //github.com/DafaRen/Learning_Bifunctional_Push-grasping_Synergistic_Strategy_for_Goal-agnostic_and_Goal-oriented_Tasks
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Stairs are common building structures in urban environment, and stair detection is an important part of environment perception for autonomous mobile robots. Most existing algorithms have difficulty combining the visual information from binocular sensors effectively and ensuring reliable detection at night and in the case of extremely fuzzy visual clues. To solve these problems, we propose a neural network architecture with inputs of both RGB map and depth map. Specifically, we design the selective module which can make the network learn the complementary relationship between RGB map and depth map and effectively combine the information from RGB map and depth map in different scenes. In addition, we also design a line clustering algorithm for the post-processing of detection results, which can make full use of the detection results to obtain the geometric parameters of stairs. Experiments on our dataset show that our method can achieve better accuracy and recall compared with the previous state-of-the-art deep learning method, which are 5.64% and 7.97%, respectively. Our method also has extremely fast detection speed, and a lightweight version can achieve 300 + frames per second with the same resolution, which can meet the needs of most real-time detection scenes.
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Sleep stage recognition is crucial for assessing sleep and diagnosing chronic diseases. Deep learning models, such as Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks, are trained using grid data as input, making them not capable of learning relationships in non-Euclidean spaces. Graph-based deep models have been developed to address this issue when investigating the external relationship of electrode signals across different brain regions. However, the models cannot solve problems related to the internal relationships between segments of electrode signals within a specific brain region. In this study, we propose a Pearson correlation-based graph attention network, called PearNet, as a solution to this problem. Graph nodes are generated based on the spatial-temporal features extracted by a hierarchical feature extraction method, and then the graph structure is learned adaptively to build node connections. Based on our experiments on the Sleep-EDF-20 and Sleep-EDF-78 datasets, PearNet performs better than the state-of-the-art baselines.
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这里介绍了人工智能研究所(IARAI)组织的2022年Landslide4sense(L4S)竞赛的科学结果。竞争的目的是根据全球收集的卫星图像的大规模多个来源自动检测滑坡。 2022 L4S旨在促进有关使用卫星图像的语义分割任务的深度学习模型(DL)模型最新发展的跨学科研究。在过去的几年中,由于卷积神经网络(CNN)的发展,基于DL的模型已经达到了对图像解释的期望。本文的主要目的是介绍本次比赛中介绍的细节和表现最佳的算法。获胜的解决方案详细介绍了Swin Transformer,Segformer和U-NET等最先进的模型。还考虑了先进的机器学习技术和诸如硬采矿,自我培训和混合数据增强之类的策略。此外,我们描述了L4S基准数据集,以促进进一步的比较,并在线报告准确性评估的结果。可以在\ textIt {未来开发排行榜上访问数据,以供将来评估,\ url {https://www.iarai.ac.ac.at/landslide4sense/challenge/},并邀请研究人员提交更多预测结果,评估准确性在他们的方法中,将它们与其他用户的方法进行比较,理想情况下,改善了本文报告的滑坡检测结果。
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鉴于它在提取功能表示方面的力量,对比性的自我监督学习已成功整合到(深)强化学习(RL)的实践中,从而在各种应用程序中提供了有效的政策学习。尽管取得了巨大的经验成功,但对RL的对比学习的理解仍然难以捉摸。为了缩小这样的差距,我们研究了Markov决策过程(MDP)和Markov Games(MGS)的对比度学习如何赋予RL的能力。对于这两种模型,我们建议通过最大程度地减少对比度损失来提取低级别模型的正确特征表示。此外,在在线环境下,我们提出了新颖的上限置信界(UCB)型算法,该算法将这种对比度损失与MDP或MGS的在线RL算法结合在一起。从理论上讲,我们进一步证明了我们的算法恢复了真实表示形式,并同时在学习MDP和MGS中学习最佳策略和NASH平衡方面同时实现了样本效率。我们还提供实证研究,以证明基于UCB的RL的对比度学习方法的功效。据我们所知,我们提供了第一种可证明有效的在线RL算法,该算法结合了代表学习的对比学习。我们的代码可从https://github.com/baichenjia/contrastive-ucb获得。
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尽管固定环境中的单一机构政策优化最近在增强学习社区中引起了很多研究的关注,但是当在潜在竞争性的环境中有多个代理商在玩耍时,从理论上讲,少得多。我们通过提出和分析具有结构化但未知过渡的零和Markov游戏的新的虚拟游戏策略优化算法来向前迈进。我们考虑两类的过渡结构:分类的独立过渡和单个控制器过渡。对于这两种情况,我们都证明了紧密的$ \ widetilde {\ Mathcal {o}}(\ sqrt {k})$遗憾的范围在$ k $ eviepodes之后,在两种代理竞争的游戏场景中。每个代理人的遗憾是针对潜在的对抗对手的衡量,他们在观察完整的政策序列后可以在事后选择一个最佳政策。我们的算法在非平稳环境中同时进行政策优化的范围下,具有上置信度结合(UCB)的乐观和虚拟游戏的结合。当两个玩家都采用所提出的算法时,他们的总体最优差距为$ \ widetilde {\ Mathcal {o}}(\ sqrt {k})$。
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